Sunday, 19 February 2012

Here goes.

Well, here I am, nearly 25 years after first getting an E-mail address, finally dipping my toe into the world of blogging. To be honest, I'm not sure what the point of this really is, but hopefully I'll find out as I go along, and it'll end up as a blockbuster with a cast of thousands (of clichés)...or else peter out miserably.
Readers should note that the photo on my profile is not exactly current ( think less hair [ok, even less hair]) but it was the only one I could find that had anything even remotely resembling the ghost of a smile.
I'll be hoping to post more recent pics of me (and the workshop, and some of my activities therein) but for now, given the fact that I look at least three weeks dead on any passport or photo ID image that's ever been'll have to do yis!
That's all for now.

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