That adage about people overly concerned with money that
suggests that they know the price of everything but the value of nothing got me
thinking about the price, and the value of flutes. As someone whose profession
is intimately tied up with this, it’s something that I give quite a bit of
thought to, and yet find it hard to come to any logical conclusion.
There are two quite distinct areas here, new flutes, such as
I make, and associated with them in the same general area of interest, old,
mainly English, 8 keyed flutes.
What determines price and value in both areas is distinct.
Lets look at new flutes first.
Here the normal factors that determine the price of most
handmade products have an obvious importance. Firstly objective things, which
are inescapable for all makers, but will obviously vary according to location
and other circumstances:
Cost of raw materials
Time taken in manufacture
Cost of manufacture ( workshop costs, insurance, purchase
and replacement of tools and machinery)
Secondly ( largely) subjective things:
Quality of work
Reputation of maker
These last two not necessarily being the same thing.
Supply and demand then positions a particular makers work in
the market.
(I should add here that I’m talking about fully professional
makers here, that rely totally on the income generated. Hobby makers, I’d
argue, are able to operate in a very different financial environment.)
The supply and demand thing is quite different, or rather
was quite different for newly made flutes, for prior to the late seventies
there was no supply, and the demand only began when myself and others began to
provide a supply.
In my own case, the first instruments that I produced
commercially were priced at £100. To try and place this figure, which is in the currency of the time,
the punt, the average industrial manufacturing wage at the time was £82 per
week, and a pint would have cost you 55 pence. Lets put all this into current
Euros, and the flutes cost €127, the wages were €105, and the pint 70 cent. Put
another way you could get 150 pints for the price of a flute in 1979, and today
you would get 178 (at sensible
rural pub prices!)
That initial £100 pricing was really a shot in the dark. It
seemed a nice round figure, but I really had no idea whether it was
commercially viable or not, whether people would pay it for a new flute, and
whether, depending on demand of course, it would provide me with a living. It
should be remembered that a good old flute could be bought for £100-200 at the
time. I had bought my first Rudall and Rose in 1977 for £150, and that was a
dealer’s price…they could be had considerably cheaper at auctions. It pays to
remember, though, that there was no one at the time available to restore a
flute, unless you did it yourself.
Eventually, with more and more makers coming into the market
throughout the 1980s, individual makers began to specialise, supplying
particular markets with an increasing range of what was now widely known as the
“Irish flute”.
The interesting thing to note here is that broadly speaking
new flutes are basically the same price in comparison to the cost of living as
they were when they first came on the market.
Where does this leave makers who are trying to make a living
from flute making?
The fact that there are many many professional makers out
there ( I proposed around 60 at the level I’m talking about in the second
edition of the Flute Player’s Handbook, a couple of years ago) means that it is
possible to make a living, and from what I know of other makers, I’d propose
that professionals, no matter where they’re living, or what markets they are
selling into, are making incomes in the same ballpark. This is despite levels
of production, price to the consumer, waiting lists etc.
On the subject of waiting lists, one thing many people don’t
realise is that the length of a waiting list is not necessarily related to
demand, but rather is more closely related to the speed at which a particular
maker works. Thus (and this statistic is quoted from a real situation] a five
year waiting list may be the result of one maker producing five flutes a year
against an order backlog of twenty five orders, where as a two year wait may be
the result of another makers yearly production of twenty instruments, and an
order backlog of forty.
I think that’s enough for now. I’ll get onto the pricing of
old flutes in the next post.
Here’s something to think about before I leave. In late 19th
century England, a top quality 8 keyed flute cost somewhere in the region of
£12. If this flute was bought in, as very many were at this stage when the
Boehm flute had become dominant, the maker would have received around £4. A
middle class wage was in the range of £50-£150, so for someone in the lower
eschelons a good flute (remembering that the 8 key flute was just about
obsolete at that time ] would cost you a quarter of your yearly income.